I wanted to add to the pictures from the previous page, but to also add those of Samira with the other animals in the house. She really is the best kitty ever and gets along with all sorts of animals most of the time. :) If you hold the mouse cursor over any of the smaller pictures, they’ll show in the larger picture area. Most of these pictures were taken after August 2014. The first few pictures are of our bay window area which has become the “kids” nap and toy area. Samira has a large kitty tree, a small house to snuggle in, and two large pillows to lounge on. She loves to look out the windows and watch the world go by when she isn’t napping there. The next few (finishing up the top row) are of one of our backyard outings. In the picture with the fountain there is a squirrel near the top of the fence (you can see his feet next to the feeder) that the girls are both fixated on ... the other two pictures of Sami outside are closeups of her as she’s watching Mr. Squirrel. In the second row on the left, Samira is peeking around her tree watching the grandbaby ... she’s curious, but doesn’t want to get too close! Then we have one of her begging meat from dad during dinner. The next four are in the kitchen. In the one where she’s in the window sill you can just see the hummingbird siting on the feeder outside the window. (after that was taken, we added shelves to the window sills that you can see in a couple of the other pictures) And yes, mom added a kitty nap spot on the counter. She loves to hang out there when the outside birds are active. The last picture in the second row is Sami watching “her” Betta fish. The first three pictures in the bottom row are of Samira on a custom shelf dad and mom made so she can look out the bedroom window. The shelf has a soft cotton cover (from an old pillowcase) and memory foam so she can be comfy there. The middle picture is of a “kitty fort” mom made from cardboard boxes and colorful duct tape ... it’s great for ambushing doggie sister! The last few are of Sami begging more food from dad (I think she likes being higher up so she can see the plate), napping in mom’s chair (she stole my seat when I went to cook dinner!), and of her “monitoring” some candles mom lit. She was very suspicious of them!
The best kitty in the world loves her family!
Samira & Friends
© Diana Christopher 2010-2024
I figured setting up a page and including a bunch of photos here would be easier than sending a huge email and ticking off an ISP admin. :) If you hold the mouse cursor over any of the smaller pictures, they’ll show in the larger picture area. These pictures were taken between Decenber 2013 and August 2014. The first few pictures are of our bay window area which has become the “kids” nap and toy area. Samira has a large kitty tree, a small house to snuggle in, and two large pillows to lounge on. She loves to look out the windows and watch the world go by when she isn’t napping there. The next few (finishing up the top row) are of one of our backyard outings. In the picture with the fountain there is a squirrel near the top of the fence (you can see his feet next to the feeder) that the girls are both fixated on ... the other two pictures of Sami outside are closeups of her as she’s watching Mr. Squirrel. In the second row on the left, Samira is peeking around her tree watching the grandbaby ... she’s curious, but doesn’t want to get too close! Then we have one of her begging meat from dad during dinner. The next four are in the kitchen. In the one where she’s in the window sill you can just see the hummingbird siting on the feeder outside the window. (after that was taken, we added shelves to the window sills that you can see in a couple of the other pictures) And yes, mom added a kitty nap spot on the counter. She loves to hang out there when the outside birds are active. The last picture in the second row is Sami watching “her” Betta fish. The first three pictures in the bottom row are of Samira on a custom shelf dad and mom made so she can look out the bedroom window. The shelf has a soft cotton cover (from an old pillowcase) and memory foam so she can be comfy there. The middle picture is of a “kitty fort” mom made from cardboard boxes and colorful duct tape ... it’s great for ambushing doggie sister! The last few are of Sami begging more food from dad (I think she likes being higher up so she can see the plate), napping in mom’s chair (she stole my seat when I went to cook dinner!), and of her “monitoring” some candles mom lit. She was very suspicious of them!
A very spoiled kitty!
© Diana Christopher 2010-2024